Now Available: Youth on Trust Awards Essay Collection and Playlist
In conjunction with the Irish and International Young Philosopher Awards at the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life, PERITIA invited students between the ages of 13 to 18 from across Europe to share their views in a forum where their voices can be heard on the topic of trust in our social and political life for the 2022 Youth on Trust Awards. The project could take the form of an essay, podcast, film, blog post, short story or dialogue.
The three prize categories correspond to the following age groups: 13-14 / 15-16 / 17-18. We accepted entries from any of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. The winners have also been awarded a trip to the heart of the European Union in Brussels for the closing event of the PERITIA project on 4-5 May 2023, where they will be honoured in an awards ceremony.
The winning contestants approached the topic from a variety of angles, interweaving it with such distinct themes as fake news, digitalisation, racism, hermeneutics, and emotionality.
We are now thrilled to present the 12 winning entries of the 2022 Youth on Trust Awards in a digital Essay Collection. The winning entries submitted in film format are also available via our YouTube playlist. Read more.