Registration Is Open for Second Part of PERITIA Lectures
The second part of the PERITIA Lectures is about to start. Hosted by the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life and the American University of Armenia, the series [Un]Truths: Trust in an Age of Disinformation explores the concept of trust and truth in light of current events. The lectures start on 21 September and will run every second Tuesday, until November 2021.
Prominent philosophers and academics from across the globe will come together to present their latest research on trust in science, disinformation, vaccine hesitancy, conspiracy theories, trustworthy science, truth and democracy, and trust and cognitive science. Speakers include Åsa Wikforss, Maya J. Goldenberg, Stephan Lewandowsky, Philip Kitcher, and Sheila Jasanoff.
The lectures are open to all upon registration via Zoom and moderated by science communicator Shane Bergin. Participants are invited to join an interactive Q&A debate after each lecture. Reading materials are available for academic purposes on this page. You can rewatch and learn more on the first part of the series.
From Knowledge Resistance to Climate Action
This season will bring together a new interdisciplinary group of experts working on current issues including climate action, disinformation and science denial, among others. Philosopher Åsa Wikforss, from Stockholm University, will inaugurate the series with the question “What is knowledge resistance?”.
Maya J. Goldenberg (University of Guelph) will continue with a revision of the common misunderstanding on the question of vaccines communication and the public understanding of trust in science.
Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol) will focus on online misinformation and its risks for democracy while discussing available solutions to this threat.
Philip Kitcher (Columbia University) will join us as part of this lecture series and the Berlin Science Week. His lecture will delve into a quintessential question for today’s society: Why is Climate Action so hard?
About the Series
The PERITIA Lectures have been running since April 2021 and brought together over 1000 online attendees who participated in the interactive lectures and Q&As with academics such as Noemi Oreskes (Harvard University), Quassim Cassam (Warwick University), Michael Lynch (University of Connecticut), Heather Douglas (Michigan State University) and Dan Sperber (Institut Jean Nicod). The recordings are available on PERITIA’s YouTube channel.