PEriTiA Inaugural Symposium: Trust in a Changing World
We are pleased to announce the PEriTiA Inaugural Symposium “Trust in a Changing World”, which will be hosted by the University College Dublin (UCD) on 2 March. The event will bring together leading scholars to discuss trust in and the trustworthiness of policy related expert opinion in today’s changing world.
PEriTiA – Policy, Expertise and Trust in Action – is an international EU-funded research project. Following an interdisciplinary approach, the project explores the conditions under which people trust expertise used for public policy. The event will start the debate on this relevant topic with keynotes and pannels on the challenges of governing trust in a digital society, the experiments of deliberative democracy in Ireland or the case of environmental expertise, among others.
The line-up of speakers includes David Farrell (UCD/Royal Irish Academy), Maria Baghramian (UCD/Royal Irish Academy), José van Dijck (University of Utrecht/KNAW), Bobby Duffy (King’s College London), Liam Delaney (UCD), Susan Owens (University of Cambridge/British Academy), Catherine Holst (University of Oslo), Judith Simon (University of Hamburg), and Gloria Origgi (CNRS).
Register here. Places are very limited but videos of the symposium will be available soon after the event.
March 2, 2020
Newman House, St Stephens Green, Dublin 2
10.00-10.30 Coffee/tea and introductions
10.30-11.20 Professor David Farrell (UCD SPIRE and Royal Irish Academy)
Chair: Professor Maria Baghramian (UCD Philosophy and Royal Irish Academy)
“Ireland’s experiments in deliberative democracy”
Short coffee break
11.30-12.20 Professor José van Dijck (Utrecht University and Royal Netherlands Academy)
Chair: Professor Göran Hermerén (Professor Emeritus, Lund University)
“Governing trust in a digital platform society”
12.25-13.15 Professor Bobby Duffy (Director, Policy Institute, King’s College London)
Chair: Professor Liam Delaney (UCD Geary Institute)
“What can our misperceptions tell us about the value of trust and expertise?”
14.20-15.10 Professor Susan Owens (University of Cambridge and British Academy)
Chair: Professor Cathrine Holst (University of Oslo)
“Experts and the environment: Some reflections”
15.15-16.05 Professor Judith Simon (Professor for Ethics in Information Technology, University of Hamburg)
Chair: Professor Gloria Origgi (Institut Nicod, CNRS- ENS-EHESS)
“Trust, trustworthiness and knowledge in a digital age”
16.10-16.30 Close of symposium: coffee and refreshments