University College Dublin, Ireland
PERITIA’s final academic conference takes place at University College Dublin’s O’Brien Centre for Science from 23-25 March 2023 and invites scholars from a range of disciplines to present their most recent findings on questions pertaining to the key themes of the project.
Find more information and a detailed conference programme here!
Researchers from the fields of philosophy, sociology, political science, media studies, public policy and science communication will cover a breadth of topics encompassed by PERITIA’s investigation of public trust in expertise, which include:
- The scope and nature of public trust and distrust
- The role of experts in policy decisions
- Factors contributing to trust and distrust in experts
- Critical assessments of the role of experts in policy decisions
- The role of social media in establishing trust and distrust
- The key indicators of the trustworthiness of the experts
- Psychological, affective, and cognitive mechanisms relevant to trust and distrust
- Empirical studies of trust and trustworthiness
Registration for in-person participation is now closed, but you can still join online for the SAPEA/Royal Irish Academy roundtable ‘Why do we need public trust in times of crisis?’.