Science and Expert Advice in Armenia’s Policy Decisions
Have you observed or studied how scientific and expert advice is used in public policy in Armenia? Then you are invited to submit a paper for a forthcoming publication by AUA as part of the PERITIA project on the topic “Science and Expert Advice in Armenia’s Policy Decisions: Multidimensional Examination”.
Papers can be authored by one or a group of academics, experts, scientists, practitioners, journalists, or policymakers. We accept submissions in Armenian or English. Please submit your abstract (max 1 page) by 15 November 2021 to [email protected]. Full paper manuscripts (20 pages) are expected by 15 May 2022.
Papers should be on political, institutional, sociological, or epistemological aspects of trust in science and inclusion of science and expert advice in governance, including but not limited to the following topics and questions:
- Politics of expert/science policy advice in Armenia.
- When do politicians in Armenia listen to expert advice?
- What do they expect from scientists/experts?
- How do politicians and policymakers publicly use their relationship with scientists or experts?
- Institutional assessment of expert/science policy advice.
- What policy advice mechanisms exist in Armenia at the national, regional, and local levels?
- What are the successes and shortcomings of the existing mechanisms?
- Sociology of expert/science policy advice in Armenia.
- How can we characterize Armenian society’s trust toward science, expertise, and evidence-based decision making?
- How is this trust built and eroded?
- What is the role of the educational system in the country in creating a culture of “trust and vigilance”?
- Political epistemology: contemplation on how facts and expert advice influence Armenia’s political decision making.
- How are experts and scientists recognized in Armenia?
- What are the epistemic expectations from experts and scientists?
- How can we avoid epistemic “bubbles”?
Click the following link to learn more and apply: https://ace.aua.am/peritia/call-for-papers/