Post-doc position with Institut Nicod- CNRS in Paris and PeriTia Research Project
We are offering a post-doc position for 12 or 15 months at the Institut Nicod (CNRS-ENS-EHESS) in Paris to collaborate in the Horizon 2020 funded project: Policy, Expertise and Trust in Action – a 3-year international research project exploring the nature and conditions of trust in expert opinion that shapes public policy. The post-doc will be stationed at the Institut Jean Nicod, as part of the team “Epistemic norms”, chaired by Gloria Origgi. He/she will collaborate with colleagues from across Europe and join the larger project team of this Horizon 2020 project at various occasions.
Learn more about the position here
Those interested in the position should send a short CV and a statement of interest to: [email protected]
Deadline for expressions of interest: 30/11/2019
Deadline for full application: 31/12/2019