PERITIA Network of Research on Trust and Expertise, UCD


SciDem: University of Oslo Research Project on Science and Democracy


A conference on  

Science and Democracy




Monday September 9

Newman House (MoLI)

 86 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2


Registration (free but essential)



9.30-10.00 Registration, tea/coffee


10.00 – 10.30 Organisers’ Welcome and Introductions

Maria Baghramian (UCD)

Cathrine Holst (University of Oslo)

Silvia Ivani (UCD)


10.30-12.00 – Parallel Session 1

10.30-11.10 Science, Bad Beliefs, and Network Vulnerability
Sergiu Spatan (Dresden University of Technology)

11.10-11.50 Democratic Governance as Risk Management for Big Science Collaborations
Saakshi Dulani (Johns Hopkins University)  Vitaly Pronskikh (University of Pittsburgh)  & Helene Sorgner (University of Klagenfurt)

11.50-12.30 How the Attempt to Cleanse Public Discourse of Misinformation Undermines Science and Rational Inquiry
David Thunder (University of Navarra Pamplona)


10.30-12.30 – Parallel Session 2

10.30-11.10  Authority and responsibility: the case of novel research
Mason Majszak (University of Bern)  & Federica Bocchi (University of Copenhagen)

11.10- 12.00 Modelling Scientists and Public Interactions
Filippo Riscica Lizzio (University of Bologna)


12.30-2.00 Lunch break


14.00-16.00 – Parallel Session 4

14.00-14.40 Patient involvement as Epistocracy
Ben Davies (University of Sheffield)

14.40-15.20 Expert Testimony and Moral Encroachment in Vaccine Hesitancy.
Carline Klijnman (UCD)


14.00 -1600 – Parallel Session 3 (Graduate panel I)

14.00-14.40 Public Reason, Values in Science, and Democracy
Jesse Hamilton ( University of Pennsylvania & LSE)
14.40-15.20 Challenges to Cultivating Communicative Rationality: An Inner Critique of Habermasian Discourse Theory and the Role of Scientific Expertise in Democratic Governance

Antonio Pio De Mattia (UCD)

15.20-16.00 Technocratic Elements in Democracy: Unelected, Unaccountable and Illegitimate?
Lucas Dijker (UCD)


4.00-4.30 Coffee Break


4.30 – 5.30 – Invited Session 1

Science and Democracy:  Defining responsible research in a political world

Heather Douglas (Michigan State University)


Chair: Luke Drury (RIA and DIAS)


7.00 Conference Dinner



Tuesday September 10

Newman House (MoLI)

 86 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2



10.00- 12.00 – Parallel Session 5                       

10.00-10.40 Normalizing Uncertainty: on science communication in times of peace and the reversibility of democratic decisions
Fabio Paglieri (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR Rome)

10.40- 11.20 No Academia without Democracy? Reflections from Israel
Shaul Katzir (Tel Aviv University)

11.20-12.00 A Critical (Re-)Assessment Of Institutional Epistemic Humility: Lessons From a Pandemic Crisis

Melanie Altanian (University of Freiburg) & Silvia Ivani (UCD)


10.00-12.00 – Parallel Session 6 (Graduate Panel II)

10.00-10.40 Science, Expertise, and Technocratic Domination: A Case for Democratic Supervision
Rory Kent (King’s College, University of Cambridge)

10.40-11.20 Transparency and Public Trust in Science

Emily Scholfield (Johns Hopkins University)

11.20-12.00 Quality of Life and Public Policy – Well-being and Political Decision-making
Paal Fredrik Skjørten Kvarberg (University of Oslo)


12.00 -14.00 Lunch Break


14.00- 16.00 – Parallel Session 7

14.00-14.40. Mistrust of Science: as a Failure of Collective Decision-Making
Gabriele Contessa (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada)

14.40-15.20. Value Divergence and Democratic Science
Michael Pope (Harvard University,  Embedded EthiCS pProgram)

15.20-16.00 Scientific Recommendations in Times of Crisis
Mikkel Gerken (University of Southern Denmark & Inland Norway University)


14.00-16.00- Parallel Session 8

14..00-14.40  Democracy and Climate Crisis
Alexa Zellentin (UCD)

14.40-15.20 The Supranational Institutionalisation of Legislative Science Advice: What Role for The European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change?

Helena Seibicke (University of Oslo)

15.20-16.00 Do scientists deliberate? The role of collective deliberation in scientific collaboration and justification
Vasiliki Xiromeriti  (Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University)


Coffee break 16.00-16.30


16.30-17.30 – Invited Session 2

Collectivizing Expert Testimony

Finnur Ulf Dellsén (University of Iceland)

Chair: Maria Baghramian (UCD and University of Oslo)


17.30-19.00 Address by Prof Orla Feely, President of UCD, followed by a reception



Wednesday. September 11

Royal Irish Academy

19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2


9.00-11.00 – Invited Panel: Science, Policy, and Democracy

9.00-9.40 Cathrine Holst (University of Oslo): Democratization of Expertise: the epistemic track

9.40-10.20 Daniel Kaiser (ALLEA, Berlin): Science Advice and Policy: The role of the Academies

10.20-1100 Joseph Lacey (UCD): Political Advocacy and Democratic Spectatorship – Four Postures for Winning and Maintaining Political Support


11.00-11.30 Coffee Break


11.30-12.30 – Invited Session 3

Science, Democracy, and the Public: Constructive critique vs. collateral damage

Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol)

Chair: Jane Suiter (DCU)