This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870883. The information and opinions on this website and other communications materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission.
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Jordan Peterson has repeatedly criticised the reliance of climate science on models, as well as called the scientific evidence of extreme weather patterns as dubious. However, he doesn’t have any expertise on matters of climate, climate models, and environmental science. He is a psychologist and popular writer, who uses his social influence to debate topics outside his field of expertise .
An expert should have training in their field of expertise. Can you find that training listed in their CV or somewhere else that is publicly available? Do they attend meetings and conferences and interact with their peers at these events? Do they have a good track record of experience in their field? Do other scientists refer to their work?
Here are some points that you should consider when you’re trying to determine who is a genuine expert in a particular field.
Jordan Peterson has repeatedly criticised the reliance of climate science on models, as well as called the scientific evidence of extreme weather patterns as dubious. However, he doesn’t have any expertise on matters of climate, climate models, and environmental science. He is a psychologist and popular writer, who uses his social influence to debate topics outside his field of expertise .
An expert should have training in their field of expertise. Can you find that training listed in their CV or somewhere else that is publicly available? Do they attend meetings and conferences and interact with their peers at these events? Do they have a good track record of experience in their field? Do other scientists refer to their work?
Here are some points that you should consider when you’re trying to determine who is a genuine expert in a particular field.